Signature Bells
If you have seen the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, you know the movie is based on how one man’s life affects so many others. Similarly, our playgrounds – inspired by our angels – positively impact and affect the lives of so many others. While discussing the parallels of this movie and our mission, someone reminded us of that famous line from the movie, “Every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings.” It was an inspirational association and we now include a bell on each of the playgrounds we build.
We were referred to Bevin Bell Company in Connecticut to source the bells for our playgrounds. When we shared with them the mission of Where Angels Play and the meaning behind our need for the bells, there was total silence on the phone. As it turns out, Bevin Bell Company was responsible for making the actual bell in the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” back in the 1940s! Angels truly surround our projects – guiding and blessing us all along the way with miracles of every size.
Purchase your bell today … as a donation to Where Angels Play and as your very own piece of an angel’s miracle that will bless your home for years to come!